
We Are Not Wonder Woman, but We Can Save the Day For Clients
We Are Not Wonder Woman, but We Can Save the Day For Clients

Monticello City contacted us a few weeks back, in a serious pickle. Their previous site went down suddenly, and couldn’t be brought back up. They asked that we get something back up immediately.

7 years ago
Tags: squarehookyourwebsitemadeeasymobile websitebusiness siteTwitter Bootstrapbuild your own websiteCMSgovernment site
Starting Out Small With a Landing Page
Starting Out Small With a Landing Page

We know businesses that have been around for decades without having a website. But to really thrive in this business world, these days, you need to have some sort of online presence. Starting small with social media (Facebook, Google Plus, etc) is a great, free option.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookyourwebsitemadeeasysmallbusinessmobilewebsiteedityoursiteCMSTwitterBootstrapexcavationHardline Excavationform builderlanding pageweb presence