
Starting Out Small With a Landing Page
Starting Out Small With a Landing Page

We know businesses that have been around for decades without having a website. But to really thrive in this business world, these days, you need to have some sort of online presence. Starting small with social media (Facebook, Google Plus, etc) is a great, free option.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookyourwebsitemadeeasysmallbusinessmobilewebsiteedityoursiteCMSTwitterBootstrapexcavationHardline Excavationform builderlanding pageweb presence
Non Profits Need Great Mobile Friendly Websites Too!
Non Profits Need Great Mobile Friendly Websites Too!

We had the great pleasure of putting together this really fun website for a local non-profit called Niños de Carlos.   They started this non-profit in hopes to improve conditions for children in Honduras, by paying for better education. Owner, Bonnie had a graphic designer student put together the look and feel for site for a college project some time ago .

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookmobilewebsiteniños de carlosnon profit website