
We Love to Help Out Our Do-It-Yourselfers!
We Love to Help Out Our Do-It-Yourselfers!

We absolutely LOVE getting ambitious website diy-ers!  But what do we love even more than that?  Helping those diy-ers customize their website, so it feels like a professional built it for them.   The ETC Group is just one of those special clients!They wanted some direction, but they wanted to learn how to manage their website, and build it with their team. We were there to help guide them on their web building journey.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookNon-ProfitBuild Your WebsiteCMScustomize your websiteETC GroupSustainabilityenergy efficiency
Any Small Business Can Have a Website, Ask This Stone Etcher
Any Small Business Can Have a Website, Ask This Stone Etcher

It was such a great pleasure to help Bob over at Forever Etched in Stone. We think what he creates is truly special, and we wanted to help him create a professional site for his business.  Forever Etched in Stone produces special memorial markers for pets-dogs, cats, horses alike.

9 years ago
Tags: squarehookpet memorialsUtah pet memorialsCMSTwitter Bootstrapsmall business growthsupport small businessmobile website
Our Client Just Started Using Their Custom SquareHook Intranet
Our Client Just Started Using Their Custom SquareHook Intranet

Our fantastic clients, Great Basin Industrial just launched their great new Intranet for their employees.  Great Basin has lots of important information (like insurance, 401K, payroll access, etc) that they wanted accessible to their entire staff, across several states.   How did they plan on making it available to all?  With their new Intranet, Great Basin Nation, that’s how!We worked with their team to create a completely custom intranet that featured many cool things-employee photo galleries, major employee documents and forms, videos to stream, blogs with the latest happenings at the company, and more.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookintranetcustom intranetCMSemployee access
ReImagine Tennis Was Built With No Time to Spare!
ReImagine Tennis Was Built With No Time to Spare!

ReImagine Tennis needed a site up FAST, and they had a particular look and feel in mind. We were able to take advantage of our multi-dealer functionality to make this site have a similar look and feel to Sport Court and Connor Sports. They wanted to keep the site simple, clean and very visual.

10 years ago
Tags: ReImagineTennisOfficialCourtsquarehooktennisUSTACMSedit your own websiteTwitter Bootstrap
WGP Makes Their Great Deals Accessible on Any Device!
WGP Makes Their Great Deals Accessible on Any Device!

Wasatch Group Purchasing specializes in offering organizations and associations access to an aggressively priced contract portfolio with world class vendors. WGP is a member-based GPO with member organizations in public and private sectors. The membership for all members is free and voluntary; there is no cost to join and no obligation to participate.

10 years ago
Tags: Wasatch Group PurchasingSquareHookdiscount vendorsCMSmobile websiteSEOTwitter Bootstrapedit your website
All Travel Companies Need a Mobile Website!
All Travel Companies Need a Mobile Website!

We were really excited to work with Brett and Mario on recreating a new, updated website for Mario’s Mexican Bass. They were looking to have a website that was editable and mobile friendly…. come on-they are appealing to the avid adventurer and traveler-they use their smartphones all the time!  We thought the  WHARTON THEME would be a great gender neutral option for them.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookWharton Themewebsite customizationTwitter BootstrapCMSmexican bass fishingtravel adventure tripAnglers dreamSmall BusinessCoras Lodgemobile website
We Wanted to Go Beyond for Above & Beyond Travel
We Wanted to Go Beyond for Above & Beyond Travel

Susi from Above & Beyond Travel came to us, hoping to update her business’ website.   They had a nice site before, but they wanted it mobile and they wanted it to be easy to edit, whenever. Along with PIK2AR, Above & Beyond took advantage of our previous website promotion.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookInverse ThemePromotional websiteCMSbuild your website yourselfAbove & Beyond Travelsvirtual travel agencytwitter bootstraptravel agencycontent management system
We Made Graphics to Customize the Hallenburg Communications Website
We Made Graphics to Customize the Hallenburg Communications Website

A friend of ours came to us, wanting to create a website that truly showcased her talents.  Kari Hallenburg has over 30 years of professional writing, editing, and project management experience.  She wanted a site that would display her abilities, but wasn’t boring either.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookCMSHallenburg CommunicationsTwitter Bootstrapcustomized websitegraphic design workMobile Websitegraphic designshowcase your gallery
GBI Got a New Look For 2015
GBI Got a New Look For 2015

Great Basin came to us with an interesting challenge…. they liked their old site, overall. But they wanted some things that everyone should have–mobile functionality and the ability to add content and imagery themselves.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookcmsgreat basin industrialimproved websitemobile friendlytwitter bootstrapedit you site yourselfbuild your websitewebsite before and after
We Helped A Local Non-Profit Build Their Website
We Helped A Local Non-Profit Build Their Website

Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources came to us, hoping to create a site that is easy to easy to edit, mobile friendly, and a breeze to navigate!  PIK2AR took advantage of our previous website promotion, where we basically put together their site by transferring content over and put it together with one of our fabulous themes. We decided to try out the UBER THEME this time! We transferred over content from their old website, but also took a good deal of their imagery from their Social Media page to put together this website. PIK2AR really wanted to emphasize the partners from the community that were involved in donating.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehooknon-profitPacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resourcesstop domestic violencedo it yourself websitecmstwitter bootstrapKAVA Talksmobile website