
We Absolutely LOVE Do-It-Your-Selfers!
We Absolutely LOVE Do-It-Your-Selfers!

We always get the warm fuzzies when we see people building their own sites out with the SquareHook Tool. So we had to share! Dallas owns a Carbon Cleaning Distributor Center here in Utah. He used our Flattern Theme.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookbuild your own sitemobileTwitter BootstrapCMScarbon clearningsmall business ownerswebsitemobile website
EventLab Showcased Their Talents
EventLab Showcased Their Talents

We had a serious pleasure working with the team over at EventLab.  Doug and Danny have been visionaries for decades, and they brought their creativity to their new site. We love clients with vision!They had a great video made by their friends from Cornerstone in place of a scrolling banner.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookeventlabcorporate eventsmobile websitecontemporarycmstwitter bootstrapwebsitewebsite creationcustom websites
Get Found On GOOGLE and BING Easier With Our SEO Functionality!
Get Found On GOOGLE and BING Easier With Our SEO Functionality!

Our SquareHook tool is awesome!  We have a killer FREE feature that allows our clients to put in their own SEO, and customize any and every webpage they have—making it easier for website visitors to find you! Check out our brief How-To video HERE Under the PAGE SETTINGS, you can adjust your SEO settings.   You can populate Focus Keywords, and add a meta description.   A meta description is a brief synopsis of what you would find on that specific web page.

10 years ago
Tags: CMSwebsiteSEOsquarehookSearch Engine Optimizationget foundHow Torank higherwebsite builder
Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All! Just Ask HealthQuest.
Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All!  Just Ask HealthQuest.

When we were introduced to the doctors over at HealthQuest, they told us they wanted their site to be updated and informative.   Their site visitors were frequently potential or existing clients, so they wanted them to have available resources to help them. While many chiropractor sites aren’t the most exciting websites on the Internet, we were confident that our design would be one people would remember and associate to talented medical professionals that care about their clients.

10 years ago
Tags: chiropractorwebsitemobile sitesquarehookcustomdo it yourself
Our First Salt Lake Meetup Was Awesome!
Our First Salt Lake Meetup Was Awesome!

Thanks so much to all those who attended our first Meetup: Learn to Build Your Own Website!  We had a wonderful turnout of guests.   We broke bread (more like The Pie Pizza) and discussed tools to help build your online presence. A few topics we discussed included: Blogging options–Tumblr, (we ourselves use Tumblr) Wordpress, and Blogger A/B testing–Optimizely is a great choice Responsive Design–we’re fans of Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Academy Billing options–Square, Stripe, Pay Pal Programming tools–Team Treehouse, Isotope, Code Academy There were a lot of great questions asked, and we were so pumped to answer them.

11 years ago
Tags: do it yourselfbuild your own sitemeetupsalt lake citysquarehookwebsitemobile website