Our First Salt Lake Meetup Was Awesome!

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11 years ago

Thanks so much to all those who attended our first Meetup: Learn to Build Your Own Website! 

We had a wonderful turnout of guests.  We broke bread (more like The Pie Pizza) and discussed tools to help build your online presence.

A few topics we discussed included:

There were a lot of great questions asked, and we were so pumped to answer them.  Hope all those who attended enjoyed it, and got something out of it.  We look forward to our next few meetups.  We have a couple events in September.

  1. Our first Meetup is going to be held on Wednesday, September 11th–This specific meetup is solely for building sites using our platform.  This class is to help people get an idea of how a CMS tool works, so they can figure out what may work for them.
  2. Our second Meetup is going to be held on Wednesday, September 25th–This meetup will have a local marketing firm come and talk about how to improve your SEO, and create a stronger presence online. We will also be discussing ways to build your site.

Both classes should be filled with lots of great information and learning opportunities!