
The Gallivan Center Can Edit Their Site Like a Dream
The Gallivan Center Can Edit Their Site Like a Dream

We were stoked to jump at the chance to redesign the Gallivan Center.   We have been to tons of events there, and were so tickled at the chance to make their site more mobile friendly and really showcase what they offer!We involved one of our talented graphic designers to work with the Gallivan Center to created a really engaging site with that WOW factor! Take a look, yowza!We have been building out a way rad feature that Gallivan Center took advantage of. They can easily add events to their Calendar at any time.

8 years ago
Tags: gallivancenterUtah eventssquarehookCMSmobile siteedit your siteTwitter Bootstraplocal site
Flesh Out Your Site to Showcase What You Can Do!
Flesh Out Your Site to Showcase What You Can Do!

When we spoke with Outlaw Demolition about their new site, they said they wanted their site to be more impactful. Their previous site was only 3 pages, and while it had some nice pictures, there wasn’t a strong call to action for getting site visitors to reach out to them. We suggested to put a form on the home page, right below a gorgeous scrolling banner.

8 years ago
Tags: outlaw demodemolition sitesquarehookyour website made easymobile siteTwitter Bootstrapedit your sitecall to actiondemolition
Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All! Just Ask HealthQuest.
Your Chiropractor Site Can Have It All!  Just Ask HealthQuest.

When we were introduced to the doctors over at HealthQuest, they told us they wanted their site to be updated and informative.   Their site visitors were frequently potential or existing clients, so they wanted them to have available resources to help them. While many chiropractor sites aren’t the most exciting websites on the Internet, we were confident that our design would be one people would remember and associate to talented medical professionals that care about their clients.

10 years ago
Tags: chiropractorwebsitemobile sitesquarehookcustomdo it yourself