
A New, Smart Site for a Talented Artist
A New, Smart Site for a Talented Artist

One of our current clients reached out to us to create a personal site for his side business and passion. He is showcasing at Sundance, Park City, Utah this winter, and wanted to have an online presence immediately-to make available for patrons to view his work. Our Portfolio feature works great for someone like Doug, who is continually adding work to his site.

8 years ago
Tags: artist portfoliosquarehookwebsite builderCMSTwitter Bootstrapmobile websiteyour website made easyresponsive designDoug Smith Encausticmodern artUtah artist
OWCAP Just Got a Website Makeover
OWCAP Just Got a Website Makeover

OWCAP needed some serious love on their website. Their old website was built waaaaay back in the day, and they wanted their site mobile, editable, and attractive.   We thought Inverse would be a nice theme that we could customize to suit their needs.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookwebsite builderCMSOgden Weber Community Action PartnershipTwitter BootstrapMobile websiteedit your websiteContent Management Systemweb redesign
If You're Talented & Want to Share That-You Need to Be Found Online!
If You're Talented & Want to Share That-You Need to Be Found Online!

One of our latest websites was sure fun and quick to throw together.   Susan recently joined our most awesome new 10-Week Training Course.   She was also putting together a website for a client, musician Andru Markel.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookAndru Markelmusicianr&bTwitter Bootstrapwebsite builder10 Week Website Training CourseAndru Markel Musicbuild your websiteshare your talent
Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile
Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile

We are absolutely in love with our theme Love.   We knew the possibilities were endless when we came up with this theme, and our developers saw an opportunity to give people a very exciting, yet simple, dark theme…. enter Gotham.

10 years ago
Tags: CMSbuild your websitesquarehookWebsite BuildereCommercemobile friendlyresponsive designTwitter Bootstrap
Get Found On GOOGLE and BING Easier With Our SEO Functionality!
Get Found On GOOGLE and BING Easier With Our SEO Functionality!

Our SquareHook tool is awesome!  We have a killer FREE feature that allows our clients to put in their own SEO, and customize any and every webpage they have—making it easier for website visitors to find you! Check out our brief How-To video HERE Under the PAGE SETTINGS, you can adjust your SEO settings.   You can populate Focus Keywords, and add a meta description.   A meta description is a brief synopsis of what you would find on that specific web page.

10 years ago
Tags: CMSwebsiteSEOsquarehookSearch Engine Optimizationget foundHow Torank higherwebsite builder
Get a Free Website: Basin Industries Did!
Get a Free Website:  Basin Industries Did!

Our free website promotion has been a big hit for local small business owners.   Why?  Because you can get a great looking site that functions like an expensive custom-programmed site.    As we often say, “YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.

10 years ago
Tags: Basin IndustriesSquareHookwebsite builderdo it yourselfwebsite promotioneasy to build websitedrag and dropeditor