
Web Design Spotlight: LASH Salt Lake is Easy to Reach on Mobile. Call Anytime.
Web Design Spotlight: LASH Salt Lake is Easy to Reach on Mobile. Call Anytime.

LASH Salt Lake We’re really excited to share this week’s website.   Our fantastic business neighbor, LASH Salt Lake came to us looking for a site update.   Our client Lavi wanted a stylish, mobile-friendly site that worked well with her appointment builder-Style Seat.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehooklash salt lakemobile website for your small businessentrepreneurs need great sitescosmotology
Google Tools that Rock That You May Not Know About
Google Tools that Rock That You May Not Know About

There are so many free tools available to you to use through Google that can be not only helpful to you, but to your business as well! We wanted to share just a few that we use and love! Google Webmaster Tools This tool is spectacular!  You can track the health of your website and the traffic.   You can make optimizations to improve your place with Google. You can see how your site visitors are interpreting your site, by tracking your traffic.

10 years ago
Tags: google toolsgoogle webmasterimprove your businessfree tools to helpgoogle fonts
Web Design Wednesday: Dawson Development Is Using Our MEASURE THEME
Web Design Wednesday: Dawson Development Is Using Our MEASURE THEME

When the owner of Dawson Development contacted us, their site was down, and they only had images of their old site to work with. They knew what look and feel they were going for, and what elements they wanted on their website, to showcase their company.   We knew that one of our latest themes, MEASURE would be a great option for them to start with! To match their old website, we added a red background image to compliment their logo, and styled the text boxes so it would really pop.

10 years ago
Tags: dawson developmentadvanced steel buildingssquarehookcontent management systemmanage your own siteCMSmobile website
The City of Alpine Uses SquareHook
The City of Alpine Uses SquareHook

We were really excited when the City of Alpine came to us to convert their site onto our CMS tool.    They had some broken links we were able to retrieve, without too much issue, so no pertinent information was lost. Their endgame was to: Convert their existing site content and imagery Upload important forms and documents Be able to edit content whenever they wanted Record monthly minutes Update the community of upcoming events/news So we did all that for them! J  With some timely dedication from our team, we were able to get their site converted, with about the same look and feel as their existing site, with some additional improvements in about a week!  We immediately went to Alpine to train some of their city staff, so they could maintain the site themselves.

10 years ago
Tags: Alpine UtahAlpine Citylocal government websitecmssquarehookmaintain the site yourselffile management
Sport Court Now Uses SquareHook CMS Tool
Sport Court Now Uses SquareHook CMS Tool

We have had the utmost pleasure putting together the new Sport Court website.   We are all users of their products-at one time or another, as well as a spectators of sports where athletes use their products on the daily. Being the NCAA bracket tour, USA/Canada Volleyball, US Soccer Foundation, NBA Jam flooring specialists-there was a lot of pressure to make the World’s Largest Courtbuilder website stellar! Sport Court wanted several things solved for them with a new website: Complete mobile functionality Easy edibility Ability to replicate pages Blogging tool to update latest news Easier user functionality for site visitors to navigate Gallery functionality based on sport and venue and more! We were up for the challenge!  Sport Court had a great website to help glean from.

10 years ago
Tags: sport courtsquarehookmobile websiteimprove the user experienceNCAAworld's largest courtbuilder
Around Salt Lake Realtor Brings Mobile To Home Search
Around Salt Lake Realtor Brings Mobile To Home Search

Blake Keiser of Around Salt Lake came to us to create more than a real estate website.   He wanted us to build him a source for clients or site visitors to benefit from his realtor knowledge, but be informed of the latest and greatest of all that is around Salt Lake. This realtor wanted to keep people up-to-date with the best food around town, where to go skiing and mountain biking, and events that may be worth checking out.

10 years ago
Tags: cmssquarehookreal estatemanage your sitebloggingidx brokerAround Salt Lakesalt lake real estate
Heartbleed. What is it? How does it affect you? How can you prevent from attack?
Heartbleed. What is it?  How does it affect you?  How can you prevent from attack?

Heartbleed sounds like some romantic teen novel title, doesn’t it?  But what it really is, can have a much larger impact and inconvenience you and those around you much greater than a horrible fictional story ending. Heartbleed is a security bug in the open-source OpenSSL library, which has been used to implement the Internet’s TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol.   This vulnerability is classified as a violation of memory safety.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehooksecurityheartbleedprotect yourselfdon't be affectedchange your passwords
Let's Add Another Peep to the Bunch
Let's Add Another Peep to the Bunch

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter Holiday.   All of us here at SquareHook are recovering from a candy induced coma from this weekend. :) Thank goodness we have some new blood here in the office to carry the load!  We have another employee we’d like to introduce-Chrisy Bowen! Check out a bit about Christy here: We’re excited to have Christy’s talents put to work here!.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehooknew employeeCSS ProHTMLProgramming is Fun.NET
We Are Expanding Our SquareHook Family
We Are Expanding Our SquareHook Family

With the flood of work on our desks right now, we have taken on some wonderful new employees! And as we do with all our new employees, we HAVE TO tell you a bit about them! So here’s a bit about Hayden! We’re looking forward to seeing great things from Hayden!.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehooknew employeesHTML ProgrammerCSS Guru.NET
Using Free Images On Your Site-It Can Be Done!
Using Free Images On Your Site-It Can Be Done!

Using free images on your blogs or content authors has made online writing all the more easy to find great images to draw your readers in. We often get clients who want to keep up regular blogs.   They assume that they can grab whatever images they want because the Internet is free right? (note our sarcasm here)  Blogging is a very unique beast.

10 years ago
Tags: free imagesgetty imagesflickrsquarehookbloggingcompfightwebsite imagery