Using Free Images On Your Site-It Can Be Done!

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10 years ago

Using free images on your blogs or content authors has made online writing all the more easy to find great images to draw your readers in.

We often get clients who want to keep up regular blogs.  They assume that they can grab whatever images they want because the Internet is free right? (note our sarcasm here)  Blogging is a very unique beast.  Blogging isn’t often done for marketing purposes, so there are some leniencies on use of imagery.  But to play it safe and getting authorized imagery should be a best practice.


But to play it safe, there are lots of image-use alternatives.   Frequently, you can use beautiful imagery for free, by referencing the artist.  It is a great tradeoff for relevant images. You can embed the image into a blog, or site them by hand.

Here are a few great providers of imagery with site stipulations:



Getty Images

** Word of Caution: with the new free images being offered, an artist can revoke their images at any times, so be aware and monitor your site to be sure you don’t have gaps where your images once were. There are other caveats, so be sure to note the legal use of imagery