
Web Design Wednesday Website Spotlight-Audio-Grenade
Web Design Wednesday Website Spotlight-Audio-Grenade

Hey one and all!  At SquareHook we have been pretty busy as of late, getting our E-commerce up and rolled out, and building beautiful website for clients.   We started a website promotion back in the fall, and we have had some really great reception with it, and have decided to extend it!  With the promotion, we are building out client’s websites for FREE with a hosting subscription.   Clients can customize any one of our dozens of themes, integrate social media, make it completely mobile friendly, and organize their content simply and easily!  We’d like to spotlight one of our promotional websites every week, so you all can get a glance at what our awesome themes are capable of! Website Today: Audio Grenade Our client Chris, came to us hoping to get his vibration speakers out to the masses.

11 years ago
Tags: squarehookweb designresponsive designpick your templatewebsite promotionAudio-Grenade