
Late Night Shuttles Attracts Their Clients On Their Smartphones-Good Thing They Have a Mobile Site
Late Night Shuttles Attracts Their Clients On Their Smartphones-Good Thing They Have a Mobile Site

Since beginning our website promotion back in the fall, we have had some really great reception, so we have decided to continue doing it for those who want a beautiful website that looks killer on mobile!  With a hosting subscription, we’re building out client’s websites for FREE in the promotion.   Clients can customize any one of our dozens of themes, integrate social media, make it completely mobile-friendly, and organize their content simply and easily! Website Spotlight: Late Night Shuttles Our lovely client Jen, was looking for something really simple but with a little funk to it.   She didn’t want too much going on, because her main focus was to make sure everything was very clear to her clients on mobile-people looking for a safe ride, after a night out….

11 years ago
Tags: late night shuttlesmobile searchmobile websitesCMSpromotional websitessquarehookdo it yourself
Get Some Basic SEO Features On Your Site
Get Some Basic SEO Features On Your Site

We have so many inquiring clients ask about SEO.   What is it, how can I get it, and what does it cost? Just as one can define how to improve your SEO, the answers can vary.   So many people are looking to become, “number one on Google” for their specific business.

11 years ago
Tags: improve your seosquarehookbloggingchange your content regularlylinkingCMSmobile websites