
We Love Making Sites Mobile
We Love Making Sites Mobile

We can’t really think of anything we love more than to take a good looking site and make it mobile friendly!  We recently had the opportunity to work with Primary Care Alliance to do just that!We kept the clean look and feel pretty much the same as their previous site, with a couple new upgrades. Using the Wharton Theme, we were able to mirror a great deal of the features they had on their old site, including the right sidebar on every page. On PCA’s previous Frequently Asked Questions page, site visitors had to scroll through a number of pages to get through all the questions.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookprimarycarealliancemobile friendlyCMSedit your own siteupgrade your sitetwitter bootstrap
We Helped out SundanceTV for the 2016 Sundance Film Festival
We Helped out SundanceTV for the 2016 Sundance Film Festival

As a Utah based company, we were pumped to work on a project for the upcoming Sundance Film Festival. SundanceTV needed a custom WiFi portal to hook visitors up with free wireless access at the SFF.   We made a custom portal that integrates with the Unifi Wireless hot spot system that our partner IT company set up for them.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookSundance Film FestivalSundanceTVSundanceExecutechmycoolnerdswifi hotspotmobile friendlywifi portal
GBI Got a New Look For 2015
GBI Got a New Look For 2015

Great Basin came to us with an interesting challenge…. they liked their old site, overall. But they wanted some things that everyone should have–mobile functionality and the ability to add content and imagery themselves.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookcmsgreat basin industrialimproved websitemobile friendlytwitter bootstrapedit you site yourselfbuild your websitewebsite before and after
Looking For a Website Update For the New Year? We Can Help
Looking For a Website Update For the New Year?  We Can Help

An up and coming author here in Utah put together their website using SquareHook last year.   RuthAnne Snow wanted her site really basic, with a little teaser for her book. When GOTHAM was released, RuthAnne decided to switch up her CLEAN CANVAS Theme for one of our latest templates.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehooknew authorruthanne snowauthor websiteCMSmobile friendlytwitter bootstrapbuild your websitelet SquareHook build your website
Does Your Website Have Intranet?
Does Your Website Have Intranet?

Everyone has access to the Internet, right?  But what about Intranet?  Wait…. there’s a difference?  We can all agree that the names should have been slightly different, as to not confuse the masses, but what are you gonna do? Let’s explain first, what an Intranet is.   It is a network belonging specifically to an organization or company, that is only accessible by it’s internal employees, members, or other administration.

10 years ago
Tags: Intranet for your businesssquarehookCMS solutionmobile friendlyresponsive designIntranetIntranet CMS
Students Can and SHOULD Build Their ePortfolios With SquareHook!
Students Can and SHOULD Build Their ePortfolios With SquareHook!

We know a lot of colleges and universities are now requiring ePortfolios for their students.   Why?  Because they are hoping that student portfolios becomes more than a collection of resources, assignments, or demonstrations.   Schools are hoping that it can become a great source for students to share work and ideas, receive feedback, and in a way be a source for career preparation and a way to document successes and credentials.

10 years ago
Tags: ePortfoliosSquareHookstudent portfoliosharing of ideasuniversitiesanother CMS optionmobile friendlyonline resumeCMSSuperior CMS
Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile
Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile

We are absolutely in love with our theme Love.   We knew the possibilities were endless when we came up with this theme, and our developers saw an opportunity to give people a very exciting, yet simple, dark theme…. enter Gotham.

10 years ago
Tags: CMSbuild your websitesquarehookWebsite BuildereCommercemobile friendlyresponsive designTwitter Bootstrap
Customizing Websites Is Easy With the SquareHook Website Builder!
Customizing Websites Is Easy With the SquareHook Website Builder!

Our clients over at Utah Pain Relief Institute had a fun challenge for us.   Their vision of what they wanted their site to look like was truly a test of what our tool can do! They wanted a certain look and feel that could be converted into a website that looked great on a mobile device. We added a sidebar drop down as their secondary navigation to the left, so the background images could be showed off, and make the user experience a little easier to navigate.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookplatelet rich plasmautah pain relief institutecreate your own websitebuild your own websitemobile friendlyPRP
Breaking News: Website Theme Yoko CAN DO ANYTHING!
Breaking News:  Website Theme Yoko CAN DO ANYTHING!

The more we spotlight some of our websites, the more we are like, ‘daaaaaaang!’ Our Yoko theme is way popular amongst our SquareHook team and our clients.   We’ve used it for painters, landscapers, snocone huts, exercise equipment company, and more! YOKO’s simplicity makes it really easy to adjust and style to suit your needs.   After showing web samples and discussing the look and feel for Las Vegas business RoadHouse Seats, it was pretty clear that YOKO would be a great contender.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookroadhouse seatsmotorcycle seatsmobile friendlywebsite promotion