
YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!
YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!

Working on food websites is always such a treat for us-literally.   We get to stare at food all day.   What’s better than that?!?  And working on YardBird was no different, except for the fact that the site made us really bummed-in that we couldn’t be stuffing our faces with their food at that very moment.

9 years ago
Tags: squarehookUtah restaurantstartupmobile websitelocal foodfoodpornCMScustomized websitedo it yourselfbuild your own websiteyardbirdslcdinnertimedrag and drop
Finding the Perfect Theme For YOUR WEBSITE
Finding the Perfect Theme For YOUR WEBSITE

We’ve been doing a bit of website inventory as of late, and took notice how versatile our themes truly are! Here are 4 VERY DIFFERENT websites, all selling/promoting/advertising/showcasing something completely unique.   But they have one thing in common: they used the SAME THEME as their base! All of these sites had different motives, a different user experience, and a special look-all their own.   We certainly find ourselves bragging that any one of our themes could work for you.

10 years ago
Tags: build your own websitewe can build your site for yousquarehookCMSmobile websiteversatile templatescreat your sitecustomizedrag and dropresponsive design
SquareHook Is a Winner! No Really-We Won an Award!
SquareHook Is a Winner!  No Really-We Won an Award!

This year, Utah Valley Entrepreneurial Forum Top 25 Under Five spotlighted two types of startups, with awards being presented to companies in revenue, and pre-revenue startups. Their new emphasis highlighted Utah’s outstanding entrepreneur community with recognition for new ideas as well as companies who are proving a sustainable model with incoming revenue. 25 Under 5 spotlights outstanding Utah entrepreneurs and emerging companies from across the state that are under 5 years old.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookwinnerUVEF Top 25 Under 5startupseCommercedrag and dropentrepreneursuvef
Get a Free Website: Basin Industries Did!
Get a Free Website:  Basin Industries Did!

Our free website promotion has been a big hit for local small business owners.   Why?  Because you can get a great looking site that functions like an expensive custom-programmed site.    As we often say, “YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL.

10 years ago
Tags: Basin IndustriesSquareHookwebsite builderdo it yourselfwebsite promotioneasy to build websitedrag and dropeditor