
Doggy Day Care Businesses Need Website Updates Too
Doggy Day Care Businesses Need Website Updates Too

We were so excited to help out Coombs Kennels when they contacted us. Their old WordPress site was regularly being compromised, and they couldn’t edit their site whenever their business changed. We involved our graphic designer, Ai to help create a fun, inviting look for the newly renovated Pet Care facility.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookcoombs kennelssmall business ownersdog sittingCMSContent Management SystemMobile websitemanage your websiteanimal sitterspet daycare
We Cloned a Site, and Customized it to Fit the Client’s Needs!
We Cloned a Site, and Customized it to Fit the Client’s Needs!

We are so flattered when we have a repeat customer. It tells us that they are really happy with their site/our services, so they want to come back for more! And to those clients that keep coming back, we say Thank You! The owners of Life Bridge Kids came to us to build a site similar to their child psychiatric practice website, but this time have the new site catered to adults. Life Bridge told us that the SquareHook Editor was SUPER easy for them to edit and they wanted a site that looked just like their existing one, with some new information and customized graphics.

8 years ago
Tags: life bridge kidssquarehookLife Bridge Nevadarepeat customersCMSMobile websiteTwitter Bootstrapedit your own sitesmall business sitescustom sitesgraphic designcontent management systemsite duplication
Sites Can Be Beautiful and Functional!
Sites Can Be Beautiful and Functional!

We are just so proud of one of our most recent websites for an addiction treatment center out of Las Vegas, Vencer Youth Services! They came to us with a strong idea of what they wanted, and what made it even easier, is that they had content and imagery ready for us. VYS had lots of gorgeous stock imagery that worked well with their color palette. We used that imagery as banners for most of their pages.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookmobile websiteCMScontent management systemVencer Youth ServicesSubstance Abuse treatmentLas Vegas practiceedit your websitetwitter bootstrapcustom website
OWCAP Just Got a Website Makeover
OWCAP Just Got a Website Makeover

OWCAP needed some serious love on their website. Their old website was built waaaaay back in the day, and they wanted their site mobile, editable, and attractive.   We thought Inverse would be a nice theme that we could customize to suit their needs.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookwebsite builderCMSOgden Weber Community Action PartnershipTwitter BootstrapMobile websiteedit your websiteContent Management Systemweb redesign
We Wanted to Go Beyond for Above & Beyond Travel
We Wanted to Go Beyond for Above & Beyond Travel

Susi from Above & Beyond Travel came to us, hoping to update her business’ website.   They had a nice site before, but they wanted it mobile and they wanted it to be easy to edit, whenever. Along with PIK2AR, Above & Beyond took advantage of our previous website promotion.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookInverse ThemePromotional websiteCMSbuild your website yourselfAbove & Beyond Travelsvirtual travel agencytwitter bootstraptravel agencycontent management system
Add In the Meat and Potatoes To Your Site
Add In the Meat and Potatoes To Your Site

Our tool works on a system of Squares.   Squares include text, images, videos, maps, forms, and MORE! In our previous post about dragging and dropping, we wrote about how easy it was to drag squares around and set up your pages. But you may not know what kinds of squares to add, and how.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookcontent management systemCMSadding squaresadjusting sizes
Web Design Wednesday: Dawson Development Is Using Our MEASURE THEME
Web Design Wednesday: Dawson Development Is Using Our MEASURE THEME

When the owner of Dawson Development contacted us, their site was down, and they only had images of their old site to work with. They knew what look and feel they were going for, and what elements they wanted on their website, to showcase their company.   We knew that one of our latest themes, MEASURE would be a great option for them to start with! To match their old website, we added a red background image to compliment their logo, and styled the text boxes so it would really pop.

10 years ago
Tags: dawson developmentadvanced steel buildingssquarehookcontent management systemmanage your own siteCMSmobile website