
Big Picture Classes Customized Their Website!
Big Picture Classes Customized Their Website!

We were so excited to work with Big Picture Classes in creating an updated, super functional website that could be edited by any of the BPC team!  They wanted a functionality where site visitors and members could easily find and get signed up for a number of classes, workshops, or download eBooks. Using our eCommerce tool, we incorporated their class products into a custom shopping page. They are able to add different sections (including information about the Author, About eBooks, etc) The results of adding in product information? Site visitors can view any product by selecting the item, and they can get more detail about the class, share the information about the class, give the workshop as a gift, or ask more specific questions about the course.

10 years ago
Tags: big picture classessquarehookwebsite customizationwhere creativity clickscustom CMS
Connor Sports Needed a Website Upgrade, So They Called SquareHook
Connor Sports Needed a Website Upgrade, So They Called SquareHook

After completing the Sport Court website, we had a great concept of how their sister company Connor Sport’s website would look. Connor Sports really wanted to make sure this site was informative to people involved in athletic sports flooring-coaches, church and community groups, schools and universities to name a few. On the home page, we integrated a sweet tab feature, so people can click through a number of categories, get a little bit of information and in turn get directed right to where they are looking for answers.

10 years ago
Tags: connor sportssports flooringsquarehookmobile websiteCustom CMSSport Courtwhere champions playsport flooring