
Let Us Show What An Updated Website Looks Like!
Let Us Show What An Updated Website Looks Like!

Quite some time ago, we threw together a VERY basic website per a customer’s request. BOH wanted to get out of their existing website commitment, so they said to use the same images they had on their old website and just get it live asap, and then they will upgrade it in a couple months. So we did it! Here is initial basic site conversion: Once we got the basic site up and running, they came to our design team, explaining that they wanted their site to have a wow factor!  So our creative director put together a fantastic mockup, and even flew out to South Dakota to get some awesome on-the-job imagery.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookwebsite redesignBar Over Hatoilfieldwater extractionBOHhappy customerstwitter bootstrapCMS solutioncustomer satisfaction
Does Your Website Have Intranet?
Does Your Website Have Intranet?

Everyone has access to the Internet, right?  But what about Intranet?  Wait…. there’s a difference?  We can all agree that the names should have been slightly different, as to not confuse the masses, but what are you gonna do? Let’s explain first, what an Intranet is.   It is a network belonging specifically to an organization or company, that is only accessible by it’s internal employees, members, or other administration.

10 years ago
Tags: Intranet for your businesssquarehookCMS solutionmobile friendlyresponsive designIntranetIntranet CMS