How many of you readers out there love your mobile phone? Wait…. I should have first asked, ‘how many of you own a smart phone?' I would dare say that a great percentage of the population are smart phone owners at this point. Of the world’s 4 Billion mobile phones, 1.
I was reading this article on TECHCRUNCH today, http://techcrunch. com/2013/02/11/boy-tries-to-win-back-ex-girlfriend-on-valentines-day-by-building-her-an-app/ and I thought to myself, ‘ahhh, young love. 'Â I myself find this time in February to be kind of a commercial scam.
We recently had the extreme pleasure of visiting with the employees at Pie Hole and doing a photo shoot.  They were FANTASTIC to work with! The restaurant has such a cool feel…and their pizza was FANTASTIC! I myself had the Sweet BBQ Porker (mango slices, pulled pork, and jalapenos) We were so pleased with the photos, and hope the Pie Hole peeps had as much fun as we did! Go enjoy their food–they are located at 344 S. State Street SLC, Utah.