
A Quick Shout Out
A Quick Shout Out

Hey all, This is Emma posting today, in place of Marshall.   With him gone, and with me having something to post, I thought I would take it upon myself to share a great experience some of us had. Ai and myself went to an executive lecture at the University of Utah last Friday.

12 years ago


12 years ago
Why We Do Mobile

How many of you readers out there love your mobile phone?  Wait…. I should have first asked, ‘how many of you own a smart phone?'  I would dare say that a great percentage of the population are smart phone owners at this point. Of the world’s 4 Billion mobile phones, 1.

12 years ago
On the road again...
On the road again...

Hey everyone! I am writing from our latest travels.   I flew into Dubai yesterday, and am now in India for the next week for work.   I am so excited!  I have never been to this area of the world before.

12 years ago
Valentine's Day Recap
Valentine's Day Recap

So yesterday was interesting… All of my co-workers had romantic plans set with their significant others, and had stuff delivered or received stuff. So there was lots of love a brewing. I was out yesterday, picking up some gifts for some of our team overseas.

12 years ago
It's Official, cause I'm on a product!
It's Official, cause I'm on a product!

Our great friend and neighbor, Renaissance Signs totally made us some killer new mugs as a thank you.   We are working on pretty-fying their site.   I am so thrilled to have an official mug.

12 years ago
Ahhh, Young Love

I was reading this article on TECHCRUNCH today, http://techcrunch. com/2013/02/11/boy-tries-to-win-back-ex-girlfriend-on-valentines-day-by-building-her-an-app/ and I thought to myself, ‘ahhh, young love. '  I myself find this time in February to be kind of a commercial scam.

12 years ago
Getting Local
Getting Local

We recently had the extreme pleasure of visiting with the employees at Pie Hole and doing a photo shoot.   They were FANTASTIC to work with!  The restaurant has such a cool feel…and their pizza was FANTASTIC!  I myself had the Sweet BBQ Porker (mango slices, pulled pork, and jalapenos) We were so pleased with the photos, and hope the Pie Hole peeps had as much fun as we did!  Go enjoy their food–they are located at 344 S. State Street SLC, Utah.

12 years ago
Favorite Shot From Our Business Trip
Favorite Shot From Our Business Trip

Here I am at the Golden Gate Bridge.   I went with Emma, and Ai early morning last week to check out the beautiful view from Muir Woods.   I can’t believe I actually made it here!  One more thing checked off my bucket list.

12 years ago
Infographics-Love 'Em or Hate 'Em
Infographics-Love 'Em or Hate 'Em

Hey Guys, So I gotta say, that I LOVE infographics so much.   I find them to be really fun when checking out factoids.   I just read this interesting article from TechCrunch, and wanted to share it with ya’ll! http://techcrunch.

12 years ago