CSESCO Uses Our Flattern Theme
10 years ago

CSESCO didn’t have a website when they came to us. Their needs were really basic. When we asked them what kind of look and feel they were going for, they were immediately drawn to our FLATTERN THEME.

They had 3 specific requests for their website:
- Display construction projects
- Showcase products they resell on their site
- Add forms throughout the site
And we were able to deliver all of that!

Using our PORTFOLIO feature, they can easily add images by selecting the +Add Portfolio Item to add a new image and description.

The result is an interactive gallery that allows site visitors the ability to select any photo, with a popup narration about the image.

Using our eCommerce feature, we were able to create product pages that showed the reseller items in that category for people to peruse. We eliminated the cart and prices, so there would be no purchasing functionality, but the showcase functionality continued to work.

If a visitor clicked on a particular product, they would be redirected to the product information for that specific item.

Using our form builder we were able to create a number of different form for CSESCO. They can edit those forms whenever, if they want a bit more information or less. They can also assign different administrators to receive the submitted forms.
This was a really easy site to put together, with functionality that they need. They can now edit and maintain their site whenever. If you’re hoping to get a site put together, contact us.