Let's Start a Website Building Discussion, and Get You Rewarded!

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10 years ago

Creating a website is easy with the right training and your continued feedback on our SquareHook Tool.

If you have set up your website, have you been editing it?  Is your site ready to go?  Or has it been a while since you’ve played with it?  With all the summer vacations coming to end, are you ready to buckle down and get your site ready? Are you a little rusty with your site? Don’t worry, we can help you with that!   And we’re looking for some help too.

We have recently begun working with Wasatch Purchasing Group, and we want to reward our wonderful SquareHook users for their feedback.  We are always updating and upgrading the tool, so you can have THE BEST experience possible!

If you fill out this survey, we will send you a Retail Connect card that offers substantially discounted prices on the stuff you need at home, the office, or back to school from Office Max.  We’ll take your feedback to improve your experience on the tool.  And always remember, there is a green FEEDBACK tab on the right had side of the SquareHook Editor that you can fill out at any time to leave us a comment.

If you want to get your website up and running, we offer free in-house training for anyone looking to get their site up and launched.  Just contact us at 801-386-9828.  Or shoot us an email at support@squarehook.com.  We’d love to walk you through the SquareHook tool so you become an expert at maintaining your site!