Brand Identity is an All Encompassing Beast, That We Tame!

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10 years ago

We get clients constantly who are looking to create an entire look and feel that encompass their entire business.  We have a fantastic client, Connie, from Super Simple Wellness-that wanted to revamp her site, and create an brand for her and her company.

We first began with her logo, creating something clean, scalable, editable for need, and can be used throughout her brand concept.


Once we established a logo and a look and feel, we were able to create a fun website, featuring a charming Connie avatar.


Super Simple Wellness stays pretty regular on their social media, and Connie wanted a FB cover page to reflect the look she has on her website.  We were more than happy to oblige, and created her cover image.


Connie provides a number of great self-help/improvement offerings in her SHINE series.  We created some fabulous graphics for her Shine cd covers and digital downloads, with the color palettes representing every new audio series.


As she began offering coaching classes- You So SHINE, and we created a look for that.


Most recently, with the launch of her new book, we created visuals for her advertising and marketing as well as the cover (and book itself) so she could get her pre-launch going.


We are certainly proud on the branding we’ve done for Super Simple Wellness, and look forward to hearing the warm reception she gets from her book release!  If you’re looking to re-brand, or get some seriously awesome visuals, contact us!