It's Summer Time--Translation: Farmer's Market Time! Get That Grower a Website!

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10 years ago

With the wonderful weather of the summer, come lots and lots of fantastic farmer’s markets and fruit stands along the street.  We love it! 

One of our clients grew up selling fruit to their local neighbors and grocery stores.  They gave out business cards with contact information, and would constantly get flooded with phone calls asking when their fruit would be on- before the picking season was ready.  With the fantastic growth in social media, local businesses can share, post, and tweet the latest deal or update.  Which made it a lot easier for Frost Fruits.  But they would still have to answer a lot of questions about their orchard and fruit-and that got tedious. 


Facebook can only provide so much information to a page visitor. That’s why websites are a great reference to answer common questions, inform potential clients of deals, provide easy contact abilities, promotions, and other news.  Our client did just that! 

Frost Fruits created a fun, easy to navigate website that got to the point!


They have a bit of information about their business, a pricing page, and a way to get in contact with them. 


For such a mom and pop business, they even incorporated a blog that offers information about fruit.  A great way to boost their SEO for free!


They were so happy about the mobile version as well!  It is so easy to view on a smart phone; and considering where they live, people will need access to that Google Map on their Contact Page. :)


If you’re thinking about putting together a site, but don’t know where to start, try our tool for free!  We are always happy to help.  Shoot us a message at for online assistance, or give us a call at 801-386-9828.