How Does Social Media Affect Your Web Presence?

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11 years ago

I have a proposition for you… Go to any crowded place, a restaurant, coffee-shop, shopping mall or the public library. Now, I am not
encouraging you to stare, but just glance at the people around you? What do you see them doing?

They most likely don’t have a newspaper in their hand. I am willing to bet they have their faces directed at some sort of illuminated screen.
Faces everywhere glued to smartphones, tablets and laptops. They are becoming as necessary to people as clothing. To leave home without them would be like going out naked. This is no revelation and by no means a new phenomenon, I am just hoping that you realize what a vast potential clientele you could be reaching by tapping into the social media platforms that are constantly at people’s fingertips.

Did you know that people with smartphones are checking their facebook on average of 14 times per day? The world is becoming connected in a way the human race has never understood. We know about each others lives, hear the news right as it’s happening and discover new products and services based on an algorithm of things we “like.”

So, as a business owner or trying to promote your company, it would be archaic not to tap into social platforms.

But how should you get started and how do you reach your market on social-media?

Although it may seem daunting at first, social media platforms are so successful because of their ease of use. Most sites you can create an
account, fill out just a few fields of information and you’re up and running. But.. before you run off to create your Pinterest account, it is important to consider your demographics.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What do I want my customers (or potential customers) to learn about my company when they see me online?
  • What do I want them to do with my content?

Some businesses may benefit from a call-to-action that links viewers directly to the website. Other businesses may benefit from others sharing their social content. Depending on what you are hoping to accomplish, there might be a social media platform that caters to your clients needs.

Now, most marketing experts recommend every business create a Facebook page. Facebook is the most widely viewed social platform. But what other social media platforms are being utilized and what for?

Here is a link to some great figures that are really interesting and reveal just how much people are using some of the most popular
platforms of social media.

After looking at this information you will get an idea of the scope of what those illuminated faces are viewing on their screens.

Anyways folks, I hope you enjoy and have a great day! I gotta go…Check my status! I think I have a new “Like”