Why do blogs help grow a business?

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11 years ago

We’ve been away for a bit, building sites and providing service for our customers.   But we felt it was high time to share a great article we found about blogs.  Our employees enjoy reading blogs, and we love learning new and innovative ideas from a variety of sources. 


You may be asking, “Why do blogs help grow a business?”  Well, they are YOUR (meaning, you, the business owner) hotspot for sharing content or potential marketing material.  Those who search your website, are looking around to find out more about you and/or your services.  If they are going to your blog, it’s either because they already trust your company and want to find out the latest information share OR they are wanting to see what you can give them (in terms of deals, information, or advice) 


This idea goes back to the “Law of Reciprocity”  This idea goes like this, when someone provides you with a service or gift, we often feel an obligation to repay them with something similar, in kind.    So when you provide interesting and helpful information, that person will remember what you have delivered for them.  And will likely keep you in mind in the future for advice, or perhaps your service.


Try it out this week on your blog or other social media sites.  See if it changes the response from your followers or friends.
