Our First Post

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12 years ago


I’m Marshall.  I’m the culture and social media specialist at SquareHook. I make sure we are seen on Instagram (@squarehook) and viewed on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SquareHook?ref=hl) on a regular basis. 

But who and what is SquareHook?   Good question…let me tell you.

SquareHook is the complete solution for businesses who want to thrive!  We make beautiful and functional websites that are mobile compatible.  Our goal is to simplify a business’ work, so they can focus elsewhere to grow.  I am super proud to work at such a great place.

I work with some really fun and ultra talented people.  Josh is our inspiring leader.  He is always creating incredible code that makes the beautiful sites we design.  He rules our office.  And Ai, our Design Lead is so hilarious–she is always coming up with great graphics and layouts.  And did I mention she is an amazing photographer?  Cause she is.  Emma, she and I are kindreds.  Emma and I love to go out to the movies or go grab a bite…but professionally, she makes sure our operations run as smooth as possible.  And I can’t forget Dan.  He is our project manager.  Dan helps make sure things run efficiently.  I could brag about everyone all day long.  I’m a lucky guy to work with such a great team.

Anyhoo, stay tuned for our adventures in development and our wild and crazy happenings. —xoxo, Marshall
