Helping Out Small Businesses, One Site at a Time
8 years ago
When we hear that clients can’t edit their site because they have parted ways with previous developers, it breaks our hearts. When clients move on from said ‘cranky developers’ and the site becomes static, it is just a matter of time before we get a call. Holistic Elements was in a serious bind, with not only a static site they couldn’t edit, but the site wasn’t mobile friendly, and their hours and staff had changed a bit. Geesh! We swooped in to help solve all their problems!

This site was SERIOUS NOT Mobile. Look at what was getting cut off, because the site wasn’t responsive. Check it out! We felt so bad, that one of our talented developers added a sick side navigation. Click on that mobile hamburger, and the menu pops out from the side. :)

Their site was so old, they didn’t have a form on the contact page, so clients had to submit and email to their staff about an appointment. And let’s face it, if you were composing an email to a clinic, would you think to mention what insurance you had? Probably Not. That’s what’s so great about a form, it tells the user what the clinic wants to know-no thinking required!

We fixed that right away! Â If their H.E. staff wants to update what
information they want to gather from site visitors on the Contact Page, they can easily go
in and change their form in the SquareHook Tool. To make life even
better, all forms are saved in a database for them to export at their
leisure, for marketing purposes.

Plus we added a Google Map on there. (great for when you’re on a smartphone!) Check the AFTER Contact Page.

Ronda and TJ are busy editing their site, at their leisure. As their needs change, their site will too, because they know exactly how to edit their site, and have been doing so for several months now. Woot!
If you have a completely un-editable site, and need help, contact us! We are here to bring your business site into the 21st century!