Mastercraft Just Mastered the Mobile Website

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9 years ago

Mastercraft Sports Flooring came to us with a desire to update their family owned flooring installation business website. They loved the look of one of their partners, Connor Sports; and wanted to have a similar look, but customized to their logo and coloring. It was such a pleasure to help them up-the-anty with a new site for the new season!

We added in their client work into a photo Gallery page. They had tons of beautiful images of East Coast Universities, high schools, and non-profits.  Our portfolio feature allows any site creator the ability to add in images, descriptions about the image, and it is clickable so you can see a close up shot.

Our sweet editor allows you to customize any page, to make content more interesting, but adjusting colors, adding imagery, video . On their Gym Maintenance page and About Us page, they did just that!

Their site is completely mobile-friendly!  Their potential clients can view their site via smartphone, desktop, or tablet. They don’t have to worry about people having issues reading content or viewing images of their client work.

If you’re looking to create, update, or innovate your website, we can help!  We love getting our creative juices flowing. Contact us today to get started.  We help clients and new SquareHook users alike.  We show you how to create and manage your own website.