We Made Graphics to Customize the Hallenburg Communications Website

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10 years ago

A friend of ours came to us, wanting to create a website that truly showcased her talents.  Kari Hallenburg has over 30 years of professional writing, editing, and project management experience.  She wanted a site that would display her abilities, but wasn’t boring either. She enlisted SquareHook and our talented Creative Director, Ai. 

We thought the MEASURE THEME would be a fantastic option to showcase Kari and Hallenburg Communcations.  


We added some fun rotating banners with imagery that reflected her specialties.

The imagery really stood out on this site.


We love our Portfolio feature, and it looks stellar on this website!

Portfolio In the SquareHook Tool


Portfolio, front end view


Kari is a rockstar at editing her site!  Which is great cause she edits content for a living. Whenever she wants to update and make changes to her webpages, she can-24/7.

If you’re looking to upgrade your website, whether that be through custom programming or graphics that are specific to you, contact us!  We will make the Internet blush when they visit your site ‘cause it’s so amazing!